Through research we can learn more about a problem and find a solution. Dr. Kalayjian bases her methods on evidence and data gathered from research. Under the leadership of Dr. Kalayjian, various research studies have been conducted to improve and/or explore psychological and social problems. For instance, the MHOP project has evaluated the psychological effects of natural disasters in survivors from various countries, such as Armenia, Florida, and currently in Sri Lanka. Other research has included the impact of genocide on survivors and their children, the trauma induced by the September 11 attacks on survivors and mental health professionals, and how to measure spirituality.
At, it is our hope that research conducted under the leadership of Dr. Ani Kalayjian will help reduce suffering and that we can find new ways of effectively treating trauma through therapy, forgiveness, conflict resolution or with a dose of spirituality.
Here are some of the research we are currently working on:
Post Tsunami Mental Health Outreach, Six-month follow up to psychosocial and spiritual impact of tsunami in Sri Lanka, Generational Transmission of Mass Trauma, PTSD, coping and meaning: The case of Armenian survivors of the Ottoman Turkish Genocide, Post Tsunami Vicarious traumatization and volunteers of the Mental Health Outreach Project, What is meaningful in your life?, Coping with Genocide: Perspectives from Greek survivors, Post War Recovery in Lebanon: Challenges for Empathy for Mental Health Professionals, Post War Recovery in Armenia, Iraqi refugees, political upheaval, etc., Pakistan Earthquake Recovery, Hurricane Katrina & Rita, Long-term impact of Earthquake in Mexico City: Challenges for healing 23 years after trauma, Sierra Leone: Forgiveness and PTSD: Challenges after a decade of civil war, Mission to Armenia : Post-war Recovery and Conflict Transformation, Armenian-Turkish Protocols: Psychological Reactions, Long term war in Lebanon: Trauma and Forgiveness , and Trauma, Healing and Forgiveness, Kenya: Post Political Conflict Coping and Forgiveness, Haiti post earthquake recovery and meaning-making, ATOP training programs (several year data) on Trauma, healing, forgiveness, meaning-making and generational transmission of trauma, and Chronic long term trauma and Forgiveness: Lessons from Lebanon
Currently we have Collaborative research in the Republic of Armenia, Lebanon, Sierra Leone, Haiti, England, Kenya, and Congo.
Below are the abstracts/results of the research:
Diakonova-Curtis, D., Kalayjian, A., Toussaint, L,. (2017 in press). In Why Global Health Matters? Ed. Stout, C., Meaningfulworld and Global Mental Health.
Toussaint, L, Kalayjian, A., Herman, K., Hein, A., Njabulo, M., & Diakonova-Curtis, D. (2017). Traumatic Stress Symptoms, Forgiveness, and Meaning in Life in Four Traumatized Regions of the World. Journal of International Perspectives in Psychology (Research, Practice, Consultation 6(1) 5-16.
Bradley, A., Kalayjian, A. (2017 send to press). Legitimizing gender in security studies.
Kalayjian, A. (2017 book, in press). Forget Me Not: 7-step for a healthy, happy and a meaningful life.
Kalayjian, A. and Simmons, L. (2016). Meaningfulworld’s 11th Humanitarian Mission to Haiti. International Psychology Bulletin.
Sustainable Community Healing, Peace-Building, and Meaning-Making for a Healthy Haiti. International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Clin Med-16-299.
Adeyanju, I., Kaur, R., Kalayjian, A. (2015, Spring). Transforming the Trauma of Political Violence: Lessons from Africa, the Middle East, Armenia, and the Caribbean. International Psychology Bulletin, 19(2), pp 53-55.
Charles, R., Smith, S., Kalayjian, A. (2015, Spring). ATOP Meaningfulworld Stage II
Humanitarian Training: Conflict Transformation. International Psychology Bulletin, 19 (2), pp 56-58.
Charles, R. (2015, Spring). ATOP Meaningfulworld at the Annual Career and Internship Fair at Seton Hall University. International Psychology Bulletin, 19(2), pp 58-59.
Kalayjian, A., and Liya Zu (2015). Sexting, an Old Problem with a New Name: Challenges for Education and Empowerment. Trauma Psychology News, Spring,. 10 (1) pp 35-39.
Kauffman, A., Kalayjian, A., & Mukasa, M. (2014, Winter). Migration and the United Nations and International NGO: Challenges and Lessons Learned. International Psychology Bulletin, 18(1), 59-61.
Reema Baniabbasi and Ani Kalayjian. (Submitted Sept 1) IPB International Graduate Student’s Experience of the 2014 APA Convention. International Psychology Bulletin. The issue can be found on APA Div 52 website as well:
Takooshian, H. (Fall, 2014). ATOP Meaningfulworld Symposium on Prevention of Genocide. International Psychology Bulletin. page 49
Susan Smith, Blerina Marku, & Ani Kalayjian (Fall, 2014). Healing Trauma of Domestic Violence Around the World. International Psychology Bulletin. pp 53-55, based on conference at UN on 20 March.
Saths C., Thompson, C., Tumbling, S. (Fall, 2014) Toward an Inclusive, Global Psychology. International Psychology Bulletin. pg 44
Martinez, Katrina. (2014). Psychology’s Contributions to Sustainable Development: Challenges and Solutions for the Global Agenda. International Psychology Bulletin. pg 50.
Shah, N. (2014 summer). Refugee Youth: Shedding Light on Resilience. RSC Africa l US Refugee Admissions Program Nairobi, Kenya. International Psychology Bulletin.
Smith, S., Kalayjian, A. (2014). Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission to the Middle East. International Psychology Bulletin
Kalayjian, A. (2014). APA New International Psychology Fellows. International Psychology Bulletin.
Ferraro, A., Kalayjian, A. (2014). From MDGs To SDGs: Human Rights for All. International Psychology Bulletin.
Baniabbasi, R. and Kalayjian, A. (2014). Ethnic Psychology Associations in action. General Psychology.
Baniabbasi, R. and Kalayjian, A. (2014). International Graduate Student’s Experience of the 2014 APA Convention. International Psychology Bulletin.
Bales, E. & Kalayjian, A. (2014). Community Healing in Haiti Post Earthquake: Physical Healing, Meaning-Making, and Ecological Peace & Forgiveness Gardens. International Psychology.
Kauffman, A., Kalayjian, A., Bales, A., Tumbling, S. (2014). Haiti Empowered and Community Healing Post Earthquake: Meaningfulworld Ambassadors Return to Work on Resilience and Meaning-Making.
Kalayjian, A. & Sofletea, G. (2012). Victim, Perpetrator, or BOTH? A Child Soldier’s Journey into Healing Wounds of War in Sierra Leone. In International Case Studies in Mental Health. Edited Poyrazli, S. & C. E. Thompson. Washington, DC: Sage Publishing. pages 33-52.
Angyal, B, and Kalayjian, A. (Summer 2013). Transforming Horizontal Violence in the Middle East. International Psychology Bulletin. Volume 17, No. 3, 58-61.
Kauffman, A., Kalayjian, A., & Mukasa, M. (2014, Winter). Migration and the United Nations and International NGO: Challenges and Lessons Learned. International Psychology Bulletin, Volume 18, No. 1, 59-61.
Takooshian, H. (Fall, 2014). ATOP Meaningfulworld Symposium on Prevention of Genocide. International Psychology Bulletin. p 49.
Susan Smith, Blerina Marku, & Ani Kalayjian (Fall, 2014). Healing Trauma of Domestic Violence Around the World. IPB pp 53-55, (based on conference at UN on 20 March).
Saths C., Thompson, C., Tumbling, S. (Fall, 2014) Toward an Inclusive, Global Psychology. International Psychology Bulletin, p 44.
Martinez, Katrina. (2014). Psychology’s Contributions to Sustainable Development: Challenges and Solutions for the Global Agenda. International Psychology Bulletin. pg 50.
Shah, N. (2014 summer). Refugee Youth: Shedding Light on Resilience. RSC Africa l US Refugee Admissions Program Nairobi, Kenya. International Psychology Bulletin
Smith, S., Kalayjian, A. (2014). Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission to the Middle East. International Psychology Bulletin.
Kalayjian, A. (2014). APA New International Psychology Fellows. International Psychology Bulletin, p 12.
Kalayjian, A. (2014). Middle East: Empowerment for Peace Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission. International Psychology Bulletin. P 43-45.
Ferraro, A., Kalayjian, A. (2014). From MDGs To SDGs: Human Rights for All. International Psychology Bulletin.
Ferraro, A. & Charles, R.(2014). ATOP Meaningfulworld, 65th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference, International Psychology Bulletin. pp 40-41-
Baniabbasi, R. and Kalayjian, A. (2014). Ethnic Psychology Associations in action. General Psychology. pp 29-31.
Baniabbasi, R. and Kalayjian, A. (2014). International Graduate Student’s Experience of The 2014 APA Convention. International Psychology Bulletin.
Bales, E. & Kalayjian, A. (2014). Community Healing in Haiti Post Earthquake: Physical Healing, Meaning-Making, and Ecological Peace & Forgiveness Gardens. International Psychology Bulletin.
Kauffman, A., Kalayjian, A., Bales, A., Tumbling, S. (2014). Haiti Empowered and Community Healing Post Earthquake: Meaningfulworld Ambassadors Return to Work on Resilience and Meaning-Making.
Trauma Caused by Natural Disasters: Mexico / Haiti quake
Human Made Trauma: Karapagh War in Azerbaijan and Armenia
Personal and Collective: Sex & Trafficking UN Perspectives
Generational transmission of trauma: Armenia , Generational Impact of Wars
Reconciliation and dialogue through forgiveness: Forgiveness in times of denial