Mission to Sierra Leone

From Meaningfulworld Mission to Sierra Leone “Smile for Sierra Leone 🙂 …as they smile for you, despite their tragedy.” Dr. Ani Kalayjian, Founder ATOP Walking through the streets of Freetown, Bo, Gobaru, & Pujehun in Sierra Leone one witnesses the horrors of the evil war from 1987-2000 which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths,… Continue reading >>

Sponsor a Child In Armenia Project

Meaningfulworld & ATOP Sponsor a Child In Armenia Project: Partnership with the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) Children in Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, and Pakistan are also waiting ATOP created a partnership with FAR (The Fund For Armenian Relief) to assist in bringing  early identification systems/ preventive care initiatives into place.  The mission of FAR… Continue reading >>

ATOP’s Mental Health Outreach Project to Armenia: Second Team

Press Release June 2008 New York, NY: The Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention (ATOP) has organized the second team of the Mental Health Outreach Project (MHOP) in Armenia from June 12- 22. Dr. Ani Kalayjian and Ani Jilozian, President and Public Relations Coordinator for ATOP, respectively, will be delivering this mission to Armenia.  They… Continue reading >>

ATOP Mental Health Outreach Projects

Association for Trauma Outreach & Prevention (ATOP) Mental Health Outreach Projects (MHOP) Below is a list of Mental Helath Outreach Projects and post disaster healing, conflict transformation, training of mental health professionals, peace building, menatal health policy development, and reseach projects. 2008    Darfur, Sudan                         Post war and HIV (Planning) (Human-made) 2008    The Republic Of Armenia         Second team of… Continue reading >>

Mental Health Outreach Project Lecture in Armenia

Title:  Generational Impact of Mass Trauma of Genocide Date:  October 30, 2007 Time:  16:00 Place:  Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (AGMI), Komitas Hall E-mail:  info@genocide-museum.am Lecturer:  Ani Kalayjian Ph.D Description:  The attempted destruction of the Armenian people by the Ottoman Turkish Government from 1895-1923 not only cost one-and-a-half million Armenian lives but created massive trauma for many… Continue reading >>

Armenian Turkish Art Exhibit

This important and exciting joint Armenian-Turkish project, entitled “Imagining the Future: Armenian and Turkish Artists in Dialogue” will be coming soon to New York This project will be a show of leading, world-class Armenian and Turkish artists.  Our goal in doing so is to represent the common cultural and artistic concerns of Armenia and Turkey… Continue reading >>

Mental Health Outreach Project

The Mental Health Outreach Program (MHOP), organized by the Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention (ATOP) which was formerly known as the Association for Disaster & Mass Trauma Studies, is a not-for-profit (501c3) organization, spearheaded by trauma expert Dr. Ani Kalayjian. The MHOP is a disaster relief project that has been recruiting teams of professional… Continue reading >>

Earthquake Pakistan Mental Health Outreach Project

On October 8. 2005, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the moment monitor scale struck the northeastern region of Pakistan. Wikipedia reported that entire villages and roads were buried by landslides in the North-West Frontier Province and Pakistan-administered Kashmir. The destruction of the earthquake was even felt in India and Afghanistan. Because of… Continue reading >>

Post Tsunami Mental Health Outreach Project

MHOP meeting Sri Lancan Red CrescentsThe first team of the Mental Health Outreach Project meeting local Sri Lancan Red Crescents in Batticaloa, February 2005 Tsunami Press Release UN Tsunami Press Release Tsunami Pictures Post Tsunami Mental Health Outreach Project Tsunami Relief  

Good intentions are no longer enough. I wanted to support humanity in my own way. Meaningful World was a natural way for me to help the victims of tsunami.

So many systems have failed us and as we transition from failed models, attitudes and behaviors that are polarizing, destructive and failing all around us I could not just sit back, be overwhelmed and do nothing… I am doing something with Meaningful World.

Meaningful World cultivates well-being, relatedness, a deep awareness and understanding how to elevate some of the world's suffering. Our choices impact all living systems and I choose to be an agent of good.