Establishing Forgiveness and Peace Gardens Around the Globe: Dr. Ani Kalayjian

Forgiveness is not an occasional act It is a permanent attitude – Martin Luther King, Jr. – Published: Kalayjian, A. (May 2014). Establishing Forgiveness and Peace Gardens Around the Globe. International Psychologist. 54.1 (B). pp 19-21.   Although an abundance of peace organizations, non-governmental, as well as related university affiliations exist; conflict continues to flourish… Continue reading >>

Haiti Empowered and Community Healing Post Earthquake

Haiti Empowered and Community Healing Post Earthquake: Meaningfulworld Ambassadors Return to Work on Resilience and Meaning-Making Alexa Kauffman, Dr. Ani Kalayjian, Emily Bales, & Shayla Tumbling Imagine a place filled with energy, hope, life, and laughter – yet lacking in basic everyday resources and necessities, which we may often take for granted. Your home is… Continue reading >>

Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission in Armenia

Peace-Building, Conflict Resolution, Empowerment, and Lifting One Another Up Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission in Armenia Dr. Ani Kalayjian & Marian Weisberg The Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission began on August 28, 2014, with the following goals: 1. Train participants in the 7-Step Integrative Healing Model; 2. Start a Suicide Hotline, as one of the first projects of Meaningfulworld… Continue reading >>

Middle East Trauma Relief Mission

ATOP MEANINGFULWORLD MIDDLE EAST TRAUMA RELIEF MISSION TARGETS REFUGEES AND SERVICE PROVIDERS Workshops, trainings, healing, empowering and educating for continued psychosocial,physical, ecological and spiritual recovery in Palestine, Jordan and with Syrian Refugees Susan Smith and Dr. Ani Kalayjian     Imagine you are forced to leave your home in the middle of the night with nothing… Continue reading >>

Humanitarian Mission to Haiti

ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission to Haiti: Follow up Community Healing and Meaning-Making for a Healthy Haiti Emily Bales, Dr Ani Kalayjian, Alexa Kauffman, Shayla Tumbling    Haiti has been in a state of turmoil for decades. The problems the people of Haiti face on a day-to-day basis are enormous. According to reports from, Haiti… Continue reading >>

Africa Press Release

ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Healing, Peace-building, and Mind-Body-Eco-Spirit Mission to Africa: Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi Victoria Alexander, Leysa Cerswell, & Dr. Ani Kalayjian 27 June – 15 July Press Release   On June 29th, 2013 the ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian peace building, empowerment and healing team arrived in East Africa for a Mental Health Outreach Program organized… Continue reading >>

Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission to Armenia

Transforming generational trauma, horizontal violence, and trauma of the war in Syria Katherine Kaze and Dr. Ani Kalayjian It was a warm sunny day in October when I first landed in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, to begin our Meaningfulworld outreach work. Our work in Armenia began in 1989 immediately after the disastrous earthquake. As… Continue reading >>

Impact of Syrian War: Reflections of Children Displaced in Armenia

ATOP Meaningfulworld has taken the first step to assess the needs of a community of children displaced by conflict in Syria. Your ongoing support ensures these children can rebuild a stable life. Katherine Kaze and Dr. Ani Kalayjian SYRIA- In 2011, protests against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime sparked a civil war whose death toll has… Continue reading >>

12 Steps for a Healthy, Happy, and Meaningful Life

12 Steps for a Healthy, Happy, and Meaningful Life Dr. Ani Kalayjian 1.     Be present in the moment. See each day as a present to be discovered. The past is the lesson, the future is unknown, therefore stay mindful in the present. 2.    Monitor your thoughts to prevent them from becoming automatic negative actions. If… Continue reading >>

Good intentions are no longer enough. I wanted to support humanity in my own way. Meaningful World was a natural way for me to help the victims of tsunami.

So many systems have failed us and as we transition from failed models, attitudes and behaviors that are polarizing, destructive and failing all around us I could not just sit back, be overwhelmed and do nothing… I am doing something with Meaningful World.

Meaningful World cultivates well-being, relatedness, a deep awareness and understanding how to elevate some of the world's suffering. Our choices impact all living systems and I choose to be an agent of good.