Testimonial #26

May you continue to inspire and help others as you do me, and may this love and generosity of yours be returned to you a millionfold. you are one of the real lightworkers ani. Rhea

Testimonial #25

Dr. Kalayjian is an amazing speaker and a courageous, admirable woman.  I truly admire her work and aspire to one day, after graduate school, volunteer in the MHOP. I was so excited when hearing Dr. Kalayjian’s speech because she covered everything I am interested in.  I had a chance last night to visit her website… Continue reading >>

Testimonial #24

Dear Dr. Kalayjian: I wanted to simply say how thankful I am for the time we had spent together working on those important issues.  I don’t think I would have gotten this far without your help.  Your thoughts, suggestions, teachings, and empathy still echo in my head.  And they still mean a lot and still… Continue reading >>

Testimonial #23

Just sending you a thank you for keeping me on your email list… I so appreciate your work, ministry! Anyone who is about healing is about ministry as the word means simply service in God’ spirit of love. I have been so impressed. In fact as I read of your work there is a sense… Continue reading >>

Testimonial #22

Ani, thank you for the seven wonders of the world. i have to voice my appreciation of all these wonderful programs and messages that you send out. they very often help me to put things in perspective when i am blinded by tiredness or stuck. may the light always surround you. i so much appreciate… Continue reading >>

Testimonial #21

Dearest Ani, your messages are so full of thoughtfulness and peace and love and so much more, your life must be so rich in so many ways. I am so happy for you, and thank you for sharing such wonderful messages that continue to strengthen the positive forces alive in the world today, made even… Continue reading >>

Testimonial #20

Congratulations, Dear Ani, Thinking about you very often. I am always in Awe about the profound work you do for humanity. Hope to meet with you soon. Much Love, Claudia

Testimonial #19

Hi Ani…Heartiest congrats, your doing wonderful work. I also receive ur periodic e mails and appreciate ur achievements and this one is no exception. However, I am sure this could and hopefully would make alot of difference as Hillary Clinton carries on her upward ascent in the most progressive fashion that is her ( and… Continue reading >>

Testimonial #18

I am so very impressed with all that you do… You are truly making a difference in this world in so many ways.

Testimonial #17

Ani….many thanks for a terrific session.  I heard from several of the attendees who were very pleased.  You do such important work when people are at their worst.  I am so happy we finally met and hope our paths cross again soon.  With warmest regards, Maria God bless your beautiful work that you do.  You… Continue reading >>

Good intentions are no longer enough. I wanted to support humanity in my own way. Meaningful World was a natural way for me to help the victims of tsunami.

So many systems have failed us and as we transition from failed models, attitudes and behaviors that are polarizing, destructive and failing all around us I could not just sit back, be overwhelmed and do nothing… I am doing something with Meaningful World.

Meaningful World cultivates well-being, relatedness, a deep awareness and understanding how to elevate some of the world's suffering. Our choices impact all living systems and I choose to be an agent of good.