Psychological Phases of Disasters, Resources and Preparedness Dr. Ani Kalayjian

According to experts in disaster fields, 5 psychological phases are likely to occur after
a disaster (American Red Cross Manual on Disaster Health Services). According to
author’s research in over thirty-five disaster ridden countries around the world, these
phases vary in length and intensity depending upon history of disaster, vulnerability,
kind of disaster, extent of physical damage, and resources available.
1. Initial impact phase: characterized by increased anxiety and fears.
2. Heroic phase: survivors helping one other in efforts to deal with the catastrophe.
3. Honeymoon phase: experiences of joy at having survived and feeling important and
special for receiving aid from various private and governmental organizations.
4. Disillusionment phase: increased frustration and resentment at officials and
agencies for failing to provide assistance in a more timely & systematic fashion.
5. Reconstitution phase: thoughts and plans for reconstruction and acceptance of the
need to assume responsibility for personal problems.
Though disasters differ in their intensity, our research finds the following as universal
reactions to disasters:
1. Shock and disbelief: In stage one; survivors are in shock, emotionally numb, and in
some cases in denial, because the pain is too severe for any human being to bear.
2. Strong emotional response: In second stage, the survivor is emotionally aware of
the problem and feels overwhelmed and unable to cope with it.
 Common Reactions in Children:
1. Separation anxiety 2. Refusing to sleep or be left alone 3. Conduct disorder 4.
Regressive behaviors: thumb-sucking, enuresis, or clinging behavior 5.
Hyperactivity 6. Withdrawal 7. Somatic complaints: stomach ache, headache, joint
aches, etc. 8. Sleep disturbances.
 Common Reactions in Adolescents: 1. Withdrawal, 2. Anger 3. Increased
aggression 4. Regression 5. Sleep disturbances 6. Nightmares 7. Increased
daydreaming 8. Inability to concentrate 9. Irritability.
 Common reactions in Adults: 1. Uncertainty and fear 2. Anger expressed
toward builders and government officials 3. Feeling tense, edgy and jumpy 4. Loss
of appetite 5. Sleep disturbances and nightmares 6. Withdrawal 7. Loss of
concentration 8. Inability to make decisions 9. Aggression: domestic violence,
increased alcohol/drug use, etc.
3. Acceptance: In this stage, the survivor begins to accept the magnitude of the disaster
and makes and appropriate effort to address it. Survivors feel more hopeful and
goal-oriented. At this time, survivors may take more specific actions to help
themselves and their families.
4. Recovery: Last but not least is the recovery stage, in which survivors feel they have
returned to their pre-disaster level of functioning. A sense of adjustment and well-
being is restored and realistic memories of the traumatic experience are developed.
Post Disasters it is important to be mindful of the following:
1. Continue your pre disaster routine (as much as possible): work, school, house-
work, and other activities. Since there is a lot of uncertainty, it is best to focus on
things that you have control, or can be certain about. Try to reduce the time you
spend worrying about the things you cannot change; ask yourself “What can I do
now?” rather than “Why did this tragedy happen to me, to us?”
2. Use your resources and support systems fully: Stay with family, friends, neighbors, and
 co-workers who are positive and supportive;
3. Don’t hide your feelings talk it out: Talk, cry, and express, and share your feelings: grief,
sadness, helplessness, or whatever else you may be feeling. You’re not in this alone. It is
normal to have those feelings after such a disaster, and it is healthy to get them out of your
system. If you don’t, they may be locked in your body, psyche, or soul, and become
poisonous. Help your children to tell their stories, express their feelings, role model for
them. Remember Shared sorrow is half sorrow, while shared joy is double joy;
4. Reach out to your spiritual support system: Go to your church, Temple, Mosque, or
wherever else you may receive spiritual support. Meditate and pray. According to
this author’s research, spiritual support has helped survivors tremendously;
5. Know your limits – and make time to rest, relax, recharge, and refresh;
6. Avoid self-medication: Drugs and alcohol may seem to remove stress
temporarily, but in the long run they generally create additional problems or
behavior that compound the stress you were feeling initially. Even caffeine and
nicotine can have a negative effect on your ability to control the sources of
anxiety in your life.
7. Find a positive lesson that you learned through your coping: Every experience,
including disasters can have a positive meaning which is individually unique.
After discharge, try to ask yourself, “How did I become a better human being
after this experience?” This is called the post-trauma growth.
8. Find love, express love, and forgive those who have caused you harm: Caring and loving
produces positive feelings in us all, and helps us cope with the worst situation. Be generous
with your hugs and physical expression of love, caring and compassion. Remember: letting
go of anger, revenge and aggression is self-healing.
9. Update your family’s disaster plan and replenish essential disaster supplies. As preparedness
is empowering.
APA Help Center
• Managing Traumatic Stress: After the Tornadoes
• Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Children
• Building Your Resilience
Red Cross
• Recovering Emotionally
Red Cross/FEMA
• Helping Children Cope with Disaster
Centers for Disease Control Emergency Preparedness and Response
• Tornadoes Federal Emergency Management Agency
• Coping with Disaster
** Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress, and author of Disaster & Mass Trauma: Global
Perspectives on Post Disaster Mental Health Management. Mass Trauma & Emotional
Healing Around the World: Rituals and Practices for Resilience and Meaning-Making (ABC-
CLIO 2010). Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Psychological Pathways for Conflict
Transformation & Peace Building (Springer 2010). This sheet was originally developed in
NYC for distribution on 12 Sept. 2001. For details, contact
Useful websites:,,,,

Good intentions are no longer enough. I wanted to support humanity in my own way. Meaningful World was a natural way for me to help the victims of tsunami.

So many systems have failed us and as we transition from failed models, attitudes and behaviors that are polarizing, destructive and failing all around us I could not just sit back, be overwhelmed and do nothing… I am doing something with Meaningful World.

Meaningful World cultivates well-being, relatedness, a deep awareness and understanding how to elevate some of the world's suffering. Our choices impact all living systems and I choose to be an agent of good.