Humanitarian Certificate Training Program: 29 March 2014

29 March 2014 ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Certificate Training Program Stage III: Sacred Activism & Forgiveness Alanna Miyajima & Evelyn Lopez-Castillo On Saturday, March 29, a diverse group of students, interns, medical practitioners and community organizers filled in the Upper East Side beautiful space to attend an all day workshop on humanitarian outreach certificate program on… Continue reading >>

Events/ Workshops

“TOWARD PREVENTING GENOCIDE: Nations Acknowledging their Dark History” Thursday, 17 April 2014, at 12-2:45 PM (Click flyer below for pdf)

Pamper Yourself Holiday Festival and Party 2013

ATOP Meaningfulworld Pamper Yourself Holiday Festival and Party 2013 Isha Emley & Blerina Marku   The “Pamper Yourself” holiday party with ATOP/Meaningful World was a festive and uplifting night of celebration. As a soft blanket of snow settled over the city, a stream of vibrant people began to file in. Each decorated room was alive… Continue reading >>

UN International Day of Peace

ATOP Meaningfulworld UN International Day of Peace Education for Peace Zhehan Fan & Dr. Ani Kalayjian September 21, 2013, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York   “On this International Day of Peace, let us pledge to teach our children the value of tolerance and mutual respect. Let us invest in the schools and teachers… Continue reading >>

Africa Press Release

ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Healing, Peace-building, and Mind-Body-Eco-Spirit Mission to Africa: Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi Victoria Alexander, Leysa Cerswell, & Dr. Ani Kalayjian 27 June – 15 July Press Release   On June 29th, 2013 the ATOP Meaningfulworld Humanitarian peace building, empowerment and healing team arrived in East Africa for a Mental Health Outreach Program organized… Continue reading >>

Meaningfulworld Humanitarian Mission to Armenia

Transforming generational trauma, horizontal violence, and trauma of the war in Syria Katherine Kaze and Dr. Ani Kalayjian It was a warm sunny day in October when I first landed in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, to begin our Meaningfulworld outreach work. Our work in Armenia began in 1989 immediately after the disastrous earthquake. As… Continue reading >>

Impact of Syrian War: Reflections of Children Displaced in Armenia

ATOP Meaningfulworld has taken the first step to assess the needs of a community of children displaced by conflict in Syria. Your ongoing support ensures these children can rebuild a stable life. Katherine Kaze and Dr. Ani Kalayjian SYRIA- In 2011, protests against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime sparked a civil war whose death toll has… Continue reading >>

64th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference, September 3- 5, 2011

DPI/NGO Relations is pleased to announce that the Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information is in support of the NGO/DPI Executive Committee’s recommendation that Mr. Felix Dodds, Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum for Sustainable Future, be appointed chair of the 64th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference, which will be held in Bonn, Germany, Saturday, 3 September, to… Continue reading >>

UN HTS from War to Peace Conference 29 Oct 2010

The Health, Transformation and Spirituality (HTS) Working Group of CSVGC-NY at UN 11  November 2010 New York, NY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Week of Spirituality at UN Association for Trauma Outreach & Prevention (ATOP) of Meaningfulworld Dr. Ani Kalayjian Phone: 201-941-2266 Email: What does rapprochement mean to you??. Love, hope, understanding, unity, sharing, compassion,… Continue reading >>

UN event on 29 July, 2010

          Speakers with a group of participants               Dr Kalayjian on left with officers and intern

Good intentions are no longer enough. I wanted to support humanity in my own way. Meaningful World was a natural way for me to help the victims of tsunami.

So many systems have failed us and as we transition from failed models, attitudes and behaviors that are polarizing, destructive and failing all around us I could not just sit back, be overwhelmed and do nothing… I am doing something with Meaningful World.

Meaningful World cultivates well-being, relatedness, a deep awareness and understanding how to elevate some of the world's suffering. Our choices impact all living systems and I choose to be an agent of good.