KUCI Radio Interview
Dr. Kalayjian interviewed on a radio KUCI Irvine on Prescriptions for Healing Conflict
On 29 March 2010 Dr. Kalayjian was interviewed on the radio show Prescriptions for Healing Conflict at the University of California Irvine. The show will air on 4 April on KUCI 88.9 FM in Irvine, podcast on iTunes, and be maintained on www.ConflictHealing.com.
Mari J. Frank, Esq. interviewed Dr. Kalayjian based on her new book on Forgiveness & Reconciliation: Psychological pathways for conflict transformation and peace building (Springer 2010). The interview was very lively, as Dr. Kalayjian discussed myths of forgiveness, and how people hold on to these myths and hold on to the revenge and the anger. Anger is like taking poison and hoping and wishing that their perpetrator or the other person who has caused them pain will be hurt. Ms. Frank asked Dr. Kalayjian what made her focus on this topic, and Dr. Kalayjian shared her personal pain of having a father who survived the Ottoman Turkish Genocide of the Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, and Christian minorities. How her own experiences of growing up in Syria as an Armenian minority groups caused her emotional pain, and how the Israeli and Syrian war added to all the other generational suffering. Dr. Kalayjian elaborated on the emotional DNA, and how unresolved conflicts pass down to other generations if they are not resolved in a healthy was. After discharging the pain, suffering and all other negative feelings, Dr. Kalayjian helps people to let go of the anger and humiliation, embrace love and forgiveness, and practice compassion starting from self, then extending it to others.
Dr. Kalayjian concluded with a gratitude stating: “I welcome the opportunity to be part of this inspirational show. Iwish you continued success in this important endevor.”