Feminism Opinion Survey

Americans seem to have very divided opinions about the feminist movement. We are researchers who would appreciate your frank opinions on the statements below. For each item, circle whether you Agree (A), Disagree (D), or have No opinion (N). This survey is anonymous. Thank you.

  1. D N A Women who do the same work as men should not necessarily get the same salary.
  2. D N A A woman should have more responsibility than a man in caring for a child.
  3. D N A Women should have more responsibility than men in doing household duties.
  4. A N D Unisex clothes are a good idea, so men and women can dress more alike.
  5. D N A By nature, women are more emotional than men.
  6. D N A By nature, women enjoy sex less than men.
  7. D N A When I meet a woman for the first time, I prefer to call her Miss or Mrs., rather than Ms.
  8. D N A I would prefer to call myself Miss or Mrs., rather than Ms.
  9. D N A A woman should adopt her husband's last name when they marry.
  10. A N D Human nature being what it is, there will always be war and conflict.
  11. A N D Married women with young children should work outside the home if they wish.
  12. A N D I'd say it's perfectly all right for a husband to stay at home while the wife supported
    the family.
  13. A N D People can not be trusted.
  14. D N A I'd say women's liberationists "rock the boat" too much.
  15. D N A Many women who deny their femininity are actually confused people.
  16. A N D A few leaders could make this country better than all the laws and talk.
  17. D N A The use of obscene language is more unbecoming for a woman than for a man.
  18. D N A The needs of a family should come before a woman's career.
  19. A N D Most people who don't get ahead just don't have enough willpower.
  20. A N D In general, women should stay out of politics.

  21. What is your general feeling about the feminism movement?
  22. (More space on back)

  23. Age: o under 20 o 20-29 o 30-39 o 40-49 o 50-59 o 60+
  24. Schoolwork: o Grammar sch. o High sch. o Some college o College grad. o Grad school.
  25. Marital status: o Single o Married o Widowed o Separated o Divorced
  26. Are you now employed outside the home? o No o Yes, part-time o Yes, full-time.
  27. If "yes," what occupation: ___________
  28. Does the mother in your home plan to work after having children? o No o Yes.
  29. Would you classify yourself as a member of an ethnic group, someone who identifies with another culture besides being an "American" (such as Irish, Puerto Rican, etc.)?
  30. Ο No Ο Yes
    If "No," SKIP to item 34 below.
    If "Yes," write in here which ethnic group: [ ____________________ ]
    Now for items 28-33 below, *†* refers to whichever ethnic group you wrote into the box above.
  31. A N D I often eat [ * ] meals at home.
  32. A N D I am an active member of a [ * ] club or church.
  33. A N D I live in a [ * ] neighborhood.
  34. A N D I speak [ * ] with my family at home.
  35. A N D My spouse is (or I hope will be) [ * ].
  36. A N D I consider myself to be more [ * ] than American.
  37. In which country were you born? __________
  38. In which countries were your parents born? father:________ mother:________
  39. How many of your four grandparents were born in the U.S.: ___0 ___1 ___2 ___3 ___4.
  40. I am: o female o male.