12 Steps for a Healthy, Happy, and Meaningful Life

12 Steps for a Healthy, Happy, and Meaningful Life
Dr. Ani Kalayjian

1.     Be present in the moment. See each day as a present to be discovered. The past is the lesson, the future is unknown, therefore stay mindful in the present.
2.    Monitor your thoughts to prevent them from becoming automatic negative actions. If your thoughts are negative, sit, feel, discover the roots (But don’t get stuck let it go), and transform with breath of patience and understanding.
3.    Be grateful for every experience. Experiences are your workshops in self-discovery and transcendence – especially the negative or challenging ones.
4.    Be flexible in mind, body, and spirit. Respond with curiosity and openness and explore alternative options without jumping to negative conclusions.
5.    Be compassionate and empathic. Empathy brings you closer to others, to yourself, and especially to your opponents. Walk in their shoes – even your worst enemy is human and has a story.
6.    Be forgiving. Forgiving yourself will free you from self-judgment, while forgiving others will free you from victimization. Practice forgiveness daily to bring you peace of mind as well as enriched relations.
7.    Express love daily. Loving yourself is the first step to transforming sacrifice into self-care. Express love to others, especially to those who have hurt or disappointed you in some way.
8.    Find your passion, purpose, and meaning. Discover what moves you; what motivates you, what is your passion. Then follow up with a set of goals and actions both in the short term and the long term to actualize.
9.    Stay observant and explore. Affirm your observations without judgment. Don’t jump to negative conclusions and globalize your issues. Tell yourself “this too shall pass,” find the positive lesson, let it go, and release. Remember it’s those baggages that you hold on to, ultimately would make your life miserable.
10.    Clear your mind. A cluttered mind will confuse and overwhelm you. Practice meditation, yoga, journaling, embracing nature, prayer, and interpreting your dreams. Remember we don’t have external drives for extra storage such as computers do.  Just let it go!
11.    Build trusting relationships. Close trusting intimate friendships strengthen your immune system and help you promote a healthy defense against the odds. Remember Shared sorrow is half sorry, while shared joy is double joy.
12.    Maintain harmony between your head, heart, gut, and hands. Avoiding fragmentation will facilitate your healthy journey, decrease disappointments, and promote dignity.


Good intentions are no longer enough. I wanted to support humanity in my own way. Meaningful World was a natural way for me to help the victims of tsunami.

So many systems have failed us and as we transition from failed models, attitudes and behaviors that are polarizing, destructive and failing all around us I could not just sit back, be overwhelmed and do nothing… I am doing something with Meaningful World.

Meaningful World cultivates well-being, relatedness, a deep awareness and understanding how to elevate some of the world's suffering. Our choices impact all living systems and I choose to be an agent of good.